Call us! 310-450-2191. Westside Family Health Center Patient Portal enables you to schedule appointments, get appointment reminders and change certain personal information. Click here to log in to your account. If you would like to set-up your Patient Portal account, click here.
Same day appointments are available.
Westside Family Health Center
3861 Sepulveda Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90230
Clinic Hours
Call Center Hours
WFHC is open on certain holidays including Juneteenth (June), Columbus Day (October) and Veterans Day (November). Please refer to our Calendar for more information.
View our Location page to get to WFHC.
View our Services page for a listing and descriptions.
No. Westside Family Health Center is not a free clinic. Westside Family Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) providing medical, dental, and mental health services to all patients regardless of their inability to pay. We offer a sliding fee scale.
A sliding fee scale is based on your income and your inability to pay the full fee.
Yes. Our medical staff is fully licensed by the State of California and our physicians are nationally board-certified in their field of practice.
We do not offer specialty care at the Center, but we do refer our patients to specialists as needed.
We accept cash, credit cards (MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American Express), debit cards and checks. For patients required to pay a partial fee, all charges are collected at the end of your visit.
Yes. At WFHC we believe lack of health insurance should not be a barrier to health care.
You will need to sign a release form before records can be released. Please call 310-450-2191 for additional information. You may also download the Medical Record Information Release/Request form here (Medical Record Information Release/Request (PDF).
Our medical team will discuss how you wish to be contacted, either by mail or with a phone call. You may also view your lab results through WFHC’s Patient Portal. To access or sign up for the Patient Portal, click here.
We understand emergencies arise. We would appreciate 24 hours notice if you must cancel an appointment. We will gladly reschedule your appointment.
Please call 310-450-2191 or you may cancel or reschedule your appointment through WFHC’s Patient Portal. To access or sign up for the Patient Portal, click here.
You will receive a text message two days before your appointment to confirm. You may also cancel your appointment at that time.
There are two ways:
We are a part of the HealthCare LA IPA network and accept the following plans:
There are many ways to donate to WFHC, and every little bit helps a family in need. We accept cash, credit cards and checks. You can dedicate your gift to someone as a tribute. You can leave money to WFHC in your will or give a small amount monthly. You can also give every time you shop at Ralphs and Food4Less. For details on how to support WFHC click here.
WFHC’s goals are to improve the patient care experience, improve the health and outcomes of the patient population, and reduce per capita costs of patient care. WFHC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Westside Family Health Center’s Federal Tax ID # is 95-2931931.
Funding for this website was provided by the Picerne Family Foundation.
This website is also supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.