Health Education

hiv education culver city

Community Outreach

Westside Family Health Center’s (WFHC) outreach team links individuals and families in the community to available health care services by networking with schools, community organizations, businesses, and social services programs. WFHC’s Community Outreach Workers conduct educational outreach sessions to increase awareness of WFHC’s low-cost and free services.

WFHC’s Outreach Services include community health education/presentations, disseminating outreach materials about WFHC’s free and low-cost services, participation in health fairs/community events, and connections to support services beyond health care offered by partner organizations.

School Outreach

WFHC’s outreach team facilitates presentations in high schools throughout the westside of Los Angeles on reproductive anatomy, birth control options, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy relationships, substance abuse, and mental health. To schedule a presentation contact
Julie Kirk at 310-450-4773, x230 or [email protected]

Anto Miranda at 310-450-4773, x228 or [email protected]
WFHC’s outreach team educates students about confidential sensitive services that they are eligible for, such as birth control and STI testing and treatment.   To reduce barriers to accessing sensitive services for teens, WFHC provides confidential STI testing and treatment, pregnancy testing and birth control services via our Medical Mobile Unit one day per month for students at various high schools on the westside of Los Angeles.

Man Up

Man Up is a HIV risk reduction program for men that have sex with men 18 years and older.  Clients that participate in two individual educational sessions earn a $50 Amazon gift card.  Clients that complete a 30 day follow up session earn a $40 Amazon gift card.  Participants are linked to PEP and PrEP, STI testing and treatment, HIV testing, and medical services. To schedule a session call 310-450-4773, x215, x246, or x247.